Does Handwriting Affect Exam Scores?

Does handwriting affect Exam scores
Does handwriting affect Exam scores

Does handwriting affect Exam scores?

Exams have been a part of our life since the very beginning. It is essential for every curriculum to include exams, as they help us evaluate our growth and progress. As you might think, evaluation is mainly carried out based on the content you provide, which is only partially true. Many other aspects such as handwriting, presentation, and neatness also matter to some extent. Handwriting is a skill that reflects certain ideologies and intent of a person, and thus it needs to be taken seriously. An early start towards handwriting improvement can help the child with better marks and presentation skills.

Does handwriting affect Exam scores
Does handwriting affect Exam scores?

There is no age bar or limit to developing or starting learning new skills, which is why this skill is suitable for kids and adults. It is easier to grasp and understand the content when the handwriting is good and neat, but when the handwriting is terrible, even with the best content in front of us, it gets difficult to read the words and process the content.

It is the same for examiners as well, and they set certain expectations for students in terms of content, presentation, and handwriting. They too emphasize handwriting while giving marks, and if they do not understand the handwriting, how will they be able to allot marks for the content written?

Criteria for allotting marks

Every teacher is handed over a set of rules, according to which they allot marks to students. In the section before questions, teachers always add an explanation for the division of marks and mention how marks are allocated for the answers. Doesn’t this help you understand and write better according to the set expectations?

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Similarly, teachers appreciate it when students add extra effort and present their answers with good handwriting practice. It helps them understand your answer better and adequately justify your marks. According to research, there has been proven improvement in academic performance with good handwriting, and it shows the seriousness, dedication, and efforts of a student. Whereas, bad and tidy handwriting only indicates that the student is not very serious, has less interest, and does not want to put effort into better development and growth.

How to improve your handwriting?

Now that you are aware of the advantages of good handwriting let us guide you to ways to improve your handwriting. The first step is understanding that it is not a very difficult task, and you can improve your handwriting in a short time when you are under the proper guidance. I know that you must be wondering, are there any handwriting improvement classes near me?

You can improve handwriting in the comfort of your home with a handwriting improvement course online. We at Callistyle have online handwriting improvement classes, with an experience of many. Not just handwriting, we also conduct cursive handwriting classes and printed handwriting classes.

At callistyle, we guarantee that you will get back with better handwriting in a span of just 30 days. With a team of well-experienced, patient, and friendly teachers, we also understand that every student has different abilities and needs. We go according to the student’s pace, ensuring that we do not rush just to complete the course.

A power-packed 30-day course, with one-to-one teaching, a flexible schedule, fun worksheets, and new learning methods such as speed writing practice, your child will return with improved handwriting, better confidence, and all smiles.

We have a special offer for you as well, a FREE demo class just for you upon registration. So, what are you waiting for?

Contact us at 91+ 8946017752 to know more. At Callistyle, we also train students in the following courses – Calligraphy, Handwriting improvement, Mandala art, Drawing, Painting, Sketching, Dancing, Singing, Playing instruments like Violin, Guitar, Keyboard, and Flute, Zumba, Yoga, Language courses such as Spoken English, Spanish, German, Korean, French, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, etc. for all age groups.

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